默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
感谢 电子媒体 女子学 第三次专访 ~【Healing】人人都可创作的平民艺术:禅绕画老师 Nica 推广陪伴静心、练习专注的「脑瑜珈」找出最适合自己的纾压方式, 或许你的兴趣也可以变成工作, 那会多幸福呢?看全文 https://share99.com/interview-zentangle-nica https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451495.html 感谢 电子媒体 女子学 第三次专访 ~【Healing】人人都可创作的平民艺术:禅绕画老师 Nica 推广陪伴静心、练习专注的「脑瑜珈」 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451495.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451495.html
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默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
艺术是美的、是多元的,更是表达个人思绪很好的呈现方式。「Zentangle® 禅绕画」多年前由美国传进台湾,是一种有系统学习静心的绘画方式,目前全情仍风行中。不需要构图,於是可以自由发挥的空间更大,是禅绕画让人喜爱的特色之一。Nica退休后重拾画笔,除了自己快乐还可以将爱绘画的心,延伸到分享与助人,这是多么幸福的一件事。在多年的教学经验中,发现很多人还找不到适合自己的方法,不论是排遣独处时光、释放压力甚至自我发现。Motu-Nica Art 服务介绍除了课程设计外,Motu也在高龄教具设计上努力。现在,不论是原创图授权或联名合作的商品。都可以利用超商店到店的服务寄送包裹。欢迎到商品区选购适合你的课程或是你喜欢的商品。留言区也欢迎大家留言询问相关问题喔!!           2022第一届台湾创媒会 於花博争艳馆-----------------------------Art is beautiful, and it is a wonderful way for us to express ourselves. The Zentangle art form originated from the United States, and was introduced in Taiwan many years ago. In this art form, the artists meditate and relfect while engaging in the process of drawing. Beyond this, there are no rules in Zentangle; in fact, there is more room for the artist's creativity to come through on the paper.  After her retirement, Teacher Nica picked up the paint brush again. The Zentangle art form not only increased Teacher Nica's own happiness, but also helped her discover that she loves sharing art with others, as well as helping others also fall in love with art. After years of teaching, Teacher Nica discovered that many people have still yet to find suitable ways to relieve their stress. An aim of Motu-Nica Art is to help people find suitable ways to relieve their stress and boost their happiness.Introducing the services provided by Motu-Nica Art:Motu-Nica Art not only designs curriculua for art teaching and certification courses, but is also working hard to design curricula suitable for senior students. Now, you can not only purchase orginal pieces of art from the artist herself, brands are also welcomed to reach out regarding collaborations. Please visit the online storefront to peruse courses and or products you find suitable to you. Physical products can also be shipped to stores for convenient in-store pick up. Please leave me a question or comment using the website's messaging function- I look forward to talking with you! https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441496.html Motu-Nica Art 花博争艳馆创媒展 2022年12月30日~ 2023年1月2日 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441496.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441496.html
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默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
在一个乐龄课程教师聚会中,了解到有个在地制茶师傅想要自创品牌,为了实践所学的「在地创生」理念,触发了这次的合作机会。经过多次的实地探访、线上会议...计划逐渐成形,台湾好茶-在地创生案於是启动。任何事情在一开始都是不容易却也很简单协,重要的是开始动起来。企业在一开始要让消费者认识,Logo及企业识别很重要,但一个位处蓝海中资本不大的新创品牌,利用有限的资源外,专业就很重要,专业够才具市场竞争力。※『SaymeTea 茶250』4大特点.专业制茶师傅亲手做:制茶流程的专业与用心,从茶汤的颜色及香味喝得出来!.自己种植照顾的茶园:珍惜大自然好山好水孕育出来的茶叶,没有任何添加物,是纯粹的甘甜!.专业知识不藏私的爱:赵师傅对原叶原味茶的爱,可以从让人感动的制茶用心程度看出!.热爱台湾的在地精神:严谨的制茶程序与专业的茶菁辨识,让不同季节、气候下产出的茶都能呈现最好的风味!                  ***** 认识 专业制茶师- 赵师傅 *****  SaymeTea 茶250-----------------------------At a recent gathering of teachers, I was made aware that a local tea maker was interested in launching his own company. In order to implement the practice of supporting local creations, we decided to collaborate on a project. We held several on-site visits and had many online meetings, eventually leading us to the creation of the "台湾好茶" project.The process of getting the collaboration started was met with a rough start; despite some difficulties, we persisted. We knew that successful marketing, including an alluring logo and corporate identity were pertinent to a new compayn. However, a new, local brand that is located on a small island country with limited resources undoubtedly needed a lot of expertise in order to be competitive in the current competitive market. https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441495.html 企业异业合作 ~ 台湾好茶 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441495.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_441495.html
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默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
2019 南港软体园区二期 2楼艺廊 师生展   当禅绕画遇到粉彩结合异媒材的经验 48幅大作品 展期:20190301~20190430 展场:南港软体园区二期 2楼艺廊 地址:台北市南港区园区街3号 参展:此次参展有南港社大、市图乐龄、个案谘商、大学退休教师、职涯谘商师、护理师、特教班老师、癌友 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451341.html 2019 南港软体园区艺廊 师生展 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451341.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451341.html
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默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
感谢电子媒体 女子学 专访 ~用画笔来作「脑瑜伽」?禅绕画达人 Nica 摆脱人生低潮找回新生活!社会、经济及生活上的压力, 不能打败我们, 勇气 一直都不是与生俱来的!看全文 https://share99.com/zentangle-2 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451499.html 感谢 电子媒体 女子学 专访 ~用画笔来作「脑瑜伽」?禅绕画达人 Nica 摆脱人生低潮找回新生活! 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451499.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451499.html
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默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼
感谢电子媒体 女子学 专访~ 不会画画没关系,你也能画出属於自己的的禅绕画创作!艺术创作是可以非常具个人特色的, 不需要模仿别人, 做自己就好! 看全文 https://share99.com/zentangle https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451497.html 感谢 电子媒体 女子学 专访 ~不会画画没关系,你也能画出属於自己的的禅绕画创作! 2023-08-23 2024-08-23
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451497.html
默图国际有限公司 104 台北市中山区建国北路三段92号2楼 https://www.motunica.com/cn/hot_451497.html
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